Day 1 - Friday, 26 June

Zoom session 1300-1600 PDT

1300-1320 - welcome to RTH / Who We Are - Jesse Hayes
1322-1324 - intro Gregory Shaw, The Boeing Company
1325-1355 - intro to Aerospace Engineering
1400-1450 - College Career Panel 1
1451-1552 - intro Karen Robinson, Sam Bruce Chapter, TAI
1453-1513 - Tuskegee Airmen Story
1515-1605 - College Career Panel 2
1605-1615 - Close

Juan-Carlos Chavez, educator - confirmed
Deanna Marshall, CWU - confirmed
Karen Brun, NASA mission specialist - confirmed
James "JP" Wilson, Alaska Airlines pilot - confirmed

Luanne Wills-Merrell, FAA Chicago FSDO - confirmed (2)
Scott Jefvert, PNBAA - TBD
Todd Griffin, USAFA - TBD
Samantha Carter, pilot and ERAU engineering student - TBD

Day 2 - Saturday, 27 June
Pearson Field, Vancouver, WA 0900-1330 (1430 for volunteers) (pilot/ground crew briefing 1000-1030)

0845-0855 Group 1 - 9 students arrival
0900-0910 Check-In / PPE issue
0910-0955 OMSI Portable Planetarium
1000-1050 Aviation STEM Instruction
1055-1125 Discovery Flights
1130 - to go box lunch / parent pick-up

0945-0955 Group 2 - 9 students arrival
1000-1010 Check-In / PPE issue
1010-1055 OMSI Portable Planetarium
1100-1155 Aviation STEM Instruction (Box lunches)
1200-1230 Discovery Flights
1235 - parent pick-up

1045-1055 Group 2 - 9 students arrival
1100-1110 Check-In / PPE issue
1110-1155 OMSI Portable Planetarium
1200-1255 Aviation STEM Instruction (Box lunches)
1300-1330 Discovery Flights
1335 - parent pick-up

1335-1630 clean-up
