Legacy Lift, Future Thrust…
One Thousand - One Hundred Campaign
giving tuesday
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Your support will help fund Red-Tailed Hawks Youth Program operations in 2024 and help RTH support the goals of staffing and equipping the Red-Tailed Hawks Aviation Academy with certified instructors and four airplanes. This will require a $200,000 investment in additional airplanes and flight training that will generate future revenue to support the growth and development of RTH programs.
Help propel the Red-Tailed Hawks’ potential to serve underserved and underrepresented youth with your support on Giving Tuesday! Be the fuel for the vision “Legacy
Lift, Future Thrust”.
There are three ways you can help:
1. Help by giving! Select the link below and give to the
#Onethousandonehundred campaign today. Share your support
online and use #GivingTuesday, #Onethousandonehundred and
2. Register to attend the Future Thrust Awards Online!
Buy a Ticket Today!
3. When: December 2nd 2023, 05:30-7:30 PM Pacific Time
Join us as we revel in the success of the Red-Tailed Hawks Youth Program, celebrate our student pilots and honor community leaders with awards Propelling Youth, Propelling Education and Propelling Careers. It will be a blessed experience that basks in gratitude for those that have helped fuel our vision of Legacy Lift, Future Thrust…
3. Share the Red-Tailed Hawks Flying Club story with your
network! Like, Share and Follow us online.
https: //www.linkedin.com/company/red-tailed-hawks-flying-club