Dates: Fri - Sun, August 2-4 2024

Location: Smilow Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club

Seattle, WA 98118

For: Students rising to grades 6-8.

"Aerospace Science Camp is a three day, team, experiential learning academy for rising 6th-8th grade students. Held the first weekend in August (Friday-Sunday), this fun, hands-on camp will introduce key science, engineering and mathematical concepts that are important to the technology of aerospace industry. We will also ground the campers in history as we help them imagine themselves shaping the future.

The Red-Tailed Hawks Flying Club is partnering with the Boys and Girls of King County to provide a safe learning environment in the Seattle, WA area. Contact us to sign up today."

Limited to 20 Students

Please submit our RTH Outreach Student Survey after the event. Thank you!
