The RTH Meeting Series January 24-25, 2025, was held in a hybrid with the Friday Zoom and Saturday experience with our partner Pacific Science Center. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn about business aviation, airplane design, testing and kick off the Artemis ROADS III challenge. We also paused to focus on mental health.
Friday, Karlton Mitchell started us off with the Pilot Talk, sharing his background as a P-8 pilot and his new role as the first officer for KaiserAir. The PHAK lessons on Flight Controls and Aircraft Systems and academics concluded with the history of Ulysses L. “Rip” Gooch – pilot, businessman, aviation industry leader, politician, and author of Black Horizons.
Saturday, author Tanvi Arekapudi made a formal presentation on mental health and handed out copies of her publications. Dan Hrehov, Flight Test Academy, reinforced flight control knowledge through academic exercises and activities. Afterward, members experienced the PacSci exhibits/activities and the Planetarium.
Two middle school students read research papers related to the NASA Artemis missions as a start to the Artemis ROADS III challenge. RTH is a Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pathways (NESSP) partner.