On Saturday, January 23rd, 57 people participated in the RTH Meeting via Zoom. The history lesson covered Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. the commander of the 332nd Fighter Group in WWII. Afterwards, Torrance Hollins shared his past experience competing in Operation Skyhook and his flying career path leading up to his current role as a pilot for Envoy Air. We enjoyed two guest presenters. Dr. James (“Judge”) Hicks presented the PHAK lesson on Aeromedical Factors. John Miller, shared an overview on Glider Mechanics and the Puget Sound Soaring Association (PSSA).The last segment covered the ROADS on Asteroids project. This segment included the reading of student essays with asteroids related topics. Thirteen student wrote essays. All earned gift cards, one will be rewarded with a glider flight with PSSA.#FlyHawks
February 3
The history lesson covered Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. the commander of the 332nd Fighter Group in WWII.
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