RTH held an action-packed March Meeting Series from March 17-18. The Friday Zoom included John Miller, Puget Sound Soaring Association (PSSA), kicking things off with an introduction to glider operations. The history lesson covered ESN Jesse L. Brown. CDR Daniel Monlux, MD, then shared his love for aviation, flying the F18 and being the director of medicine for the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier group. Zander Hamilton provided instruction on Flight Instruments. CDR Ernesto Arboleda, US Navy, shared his vast knowledge as an aeronautical engineer and EF-18G pilot. RADM Darryl “D-Day” Walker, Commander JTF-Cyber, shared his wisdom gained in a storied carrier in the US Navy and as a father.
On Saturday, 58 folks arrived at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island for an experience that stretched across many career fields. Our hosts, VP-9, also coordinated visits to VAQ-129, the air traffic control tower, the Whidbey radar control center, and the Aircrew Survival Training Center.