On 12 November 2022, the Port of Seattle, hosted over 70 Red-Tailed Hawks at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). Many thanks to the SEA team for opening their doors and providing tours of the SEA Ramp Tower and the Airport Communications Center, and briefings on airport operations.
The PHAK lesson was an interactive overview of airspace classifications, pilot responsibilities in those airspaces, and how to identify the different types of airspaces on a sectional chart. The class continued as we defined navigation and covered the latitude/Longitude grid, dead reckoning, pilotage, and the basic use of a plotter and E6-B flight computer. With the help of mentors, students measured the course and calculated the time it would take to fly between KPAE and KFHR. They also identified the different airspace classifications along the route and considered options to navigate them.
RTH academics concluded with the Knowledge Bowl, which covered aviation history topics and some information from the day’s PHAK lesson. C-Flight came out on top!
Please help us fuel the RTH Youth Program by attending the Future Thrust Awards and sharing financial gifts. https://redtailedhawksflyingclub.org/the-future-thrust…/