Happy National Aviation Day! The Red-Tailed Hawks Flying Club is an action-based organization making a generational change in the underrepresented, and we are grateful for our members and volunteers who make our programs possible. Month in and month out, Red-Tailed Hawks perpetuate the vision of Legacy Lift, Future Thrust… and proactively pursue the mission to introduce youth to the world of aviation. We celebrate them!
Come join us. RTH is in the hunt for more pilots, technicians, engineers, teachers, project managers, and aerospace enthusiasts, so we can expand our capacity to serve the youth in the Pacific Northwest. Help us advise student teams during STEM challenges, mentor students in the RTH Youth Program, execute RTH Aviation experience, conduct RTH Aviation Day Camp, facilitate Aerospace Science Camp, and run Red-Tailed Hawks FLY. We have year-round virtual and in-person opportunities to contribute. Become a member today! www.redtailedhawksflyingclub.org/membership