Day One of Red-Tailed Hawks Aviation Experience is in the history books on 25 June 2021. After our president shared “Who We Are and What We Believe” Gregory Shaw shared an informative presentation on Aerospace Engineering. This generated some thoughtful questions from the students. Next, Joseph Fletch took us on a historical journey back to West Texas with the 9th & 10th Calvary units 1866 and carried the Buffalo Soldier story all the way to the 555 Paratroopers known as the Triple Nickels. They were the only all-black paratrooper unit in the US Army. We ended the day with a Career Panel that had great engagement from the 52 participants. Many thanks to our panelist for inspiring and encouraging the youth! Keith Washington, KEW Aviation Services. Kimberly Ford, USAF LtCol(ret), Alaska Airlines. Karen Brun, NASA Mission Specialist. Gregory Shaw, The Boeing Company. JP Wilson, Alaska Airlines.Hats off to our camp coordinator, Jaylen Palmer! Day Two at VUO promises to be an amazing day. #FlyHawks