Calling all future Artists, Scientists, Engineers, Pilots, and Astronauts! The Red-Tailed Hawks Youth Program is recruiting students in grades 6-12, in Washington and Oregon, to participate in ROADS on Icy Worlds. We are building teams to make documentary films, design patches, build models, create a simulated asteroid environment, explore Earth sciences, observe biology, apply physics, build and program robots, and fly drones. This is a fully integrated cross-functional STEAM effort to simulate NASA missions to Icy worlds like Jupiter’s moon Europa. You will develop leadership acumen, grow management skills, and learn the technology and applied sciences required to engineer solutions to the ROADS on Icy Worlds student challenge. This is an opportunity for artists to learn and apply skills in graphic design, film making, and set design.
Give us a call ASAP. We hope to hear from you by January 19, 2022, so we can invite you to a kick-off presentation on January 21st.